Involvement of community
CThe community is one of the major stakeholder in sustainable tourism, thus the principle ensures participation and involvement of board-based community inputs and bestowing the control to maintain and implement tourism development and management.
Dolma Tours contributes some part of its profit to Dolma Foundation, which eventually invests on education, health, and sustainable businesses. For participation of communities in tourism, first we need to build them, and we have volunteered and made donations to some of such remote communities of Nepal.
Community as beneficiary
With the address to the community as an important stakeholder, sustainable tourism aims to benefit local community level by providing jobs to local residents of the community and creating a linkage between local business and tourism.
Dolma Tours aims in alleviating poverty provides by the direct financial benefit to local community people through job and training program. Using locally grown products and vegetables and hire local porters is also an aid to upgrade the local lifestyle. We also assist in creating a partnership between locals and tourism, through which we are working on recognizing the rights and spiritual belief of indigenous people in the community and work as partners with them to create cultural empowerment.
Tourism code of practice
Establishing a code of practice at different levels (national, provincial and local) based on internationally accepted standards followed by tourism operation guidelines, impact assessment, supervision of cumulative impacts and limits to acceptable change.
Dolma Tours have been organizing training and workshops in Birdim and surrounding villages, which has succeeded in introducing new ways of agriculture which has increased vegetable production by 45-50%.
Efforts for effective management
Enhancing institutional and human capacity through education, training, and workshops for effective tourism management.
Dolma Tours creates an awareness by educate our travelers on environmental and cultural awareness and respect to show respect for nature and culture.
Biodiversity conservation
Sustainable tourism stands for balanced tourism development with biodiversity conservation through cross-sectored cooperation and exchange of knowledge on all levels.
Eco-friendly camping is the prime focus of Dolma Tours, and we have been successful so far. Managing trash (recycling if possible), taking reusable dishes, taking a bag for compost, taking one bottle per traveler and refilling them in a way, are some of our basic rules while camping which assists in nature travel of sustainable tourism.
Effective plans and policies
Sustainable tourism is the need and hope of present scenario. For this vitalizing the environment for tourism planning and biodiversity conservation by managing and supporting existing plans and personnel is necessary.
With strong relations with people of Langtang region around Bridim, Timure, and other villages, Dolma Tours have been organizing eco-tours in those remote villages.